
1988Applicazione alla riqualificazione dei vini bianchi sanniti.Industria delle bevande, XVII, 125-129Donsì G., Ferrari G., Mincione B., Sigilli G.MiscellaneaLeggi
1988On the Segregation Mechanism of Percolating Fines in Coarse-Particle Fluidized Beds.Powder Technology, 55, 153-158Donsì G., Ferrari G., Formisani B.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
1988Applicazione della fluidizzazione ai processi dell'industria alimentare.Impiantistica Italiana, 3, 209-212Donsì G., Ferrari G.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
1988Congelamento di derrate alimentari: la fluidizzazione.ICP La rivista dell'industria chimica, anno XVI n.8, 71-74Donsì G., Ferrari G., Olivieri L.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
1989Nuovi processi di essiccamento di frutti a guscio legnoso.Industrie Alimentari, XXVIII, 113-116Donsì G., Ferrari G.EssiccamentoLeggi
1989Drying Kinetics of a Single Droplet of Skim-milk.Journal of Food Engineering, 10, 215-230Ferrari G., Meerdink G., Walstra P.EssiccamentoLeggi
1989Expansion Behaviour of Confined Fluidized Beds of Fine Particles.The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 67, 185-190Donsì G., Ferrari G., Formisani B.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
1989Processi di congelamento di ricotte: valutazione della conservabilità e criteri di modellazione matematica.Il latte, XIV, 969-973Di Matteo M., Donsì G., Ferrari G., Mincione B., Sidari M., Spagna Musso S.MiscellaneaLeggi
1990Confined Fluidization of Fine Particles in a Packed Bed of Coarse Particles: Model and Experimental Description.Powder Technology, 61, Issue 1, 75-85Donsì G., Ferrari G., Formisani B., Longo G. Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
1990Sviluppo di nuove tecniche di sterilizzazione per alimenti solidi o contenenti particelle solide.La Rivista dell'Imballaggio, 8, 4-9Donsì G., Ferrari G.Pastorizzazione termicaLeggi
1991Experimental Determination of Transport Coefficients in Two-Component Fluid Bed Driers.Drying '91 A.S. Mujumdar and I. Filkova Eds., Elsevier Sci. Publ., 258-269Donsì G., Ferrari G.EssiccamentoLeggi
1991Improvement of Bulk Flow Properties of Powders.Powder Technology,65, Issues 1–3, 469-476Donsì G., Ferrari G.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
1991Implicazioni tecnico-economiche dell'impiego di tecnologie combinate.ICP, La Rivista dell'Industria Chimica, XIX, 67-73Donsì G., Ferrari G.LiofilizzazioneLeggi
1992Modelling of Two-Component Fluid Bed Driers: an Approach to the Evaluation of the Drying Time.Drying '92, A.S. Mujumdar Ed., Elsevier Sci. Publ., 493-502Donsì G., Ferrari G.EssiccamentoLeggi
1995Heat Transfer Coefficients between Gas Fluidized Beds and Immersed Spheres: Dependence on the Sphere Size.Powder Technology, 82 Issue 3, 293-299Donsì G., Ferrari G.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
1995Processo innovativo di tostatura basato sulla fluidizzazione a getto.Industrie Alimentari, XXXIV, 613-616Di Matteo M., Donsì G., Esposito L., Ferrari G.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
1996Experimental Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Apple and Potato at Different Moisture Content.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 30, Issues 3–4, 263-268Donsì G., Ferrari G., Nigro R.MiscellaneaLeggi
1996High pressure stabilization of orange juice: evaluation of the effects of process conditions.Italian journal of food science : IJFS, 99-106Di Matteo M., Donsì G., Ferrari G.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
1996The effect of process conditions on the physical structure of dehydrated foods: an experimental analysis.Trans. Inst. of Chem. Eng. part C, 74, No C2, 73-80Donsì G., Ferrari G., Nigro R.EssiccamentoLeggi
1996Variazione dei parametri reologici durante la conservazione di pesche in imballaggi con micro atmosfera regolata.Rivista di Scienza dell’Alimentazione, 3, 267-274Di Matteo M., Donsì G., Ferrari G., Grasso G.Confezionamento in atmosfere protettiveLeggi
1996Proprietà reologiche dei succhi di arancia sanitizzati mediante l’alta pressione-Implicazioni strutturali.Industria delle bevande, XXV, 5-16Di Matteo M., Donsì G., Ferrari G., Grasso G.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
1997Distribution of Gas Pressure inside a hopper discharging fine powders.Chemical Engineering Science, 52 n. 23, 4291-4302Donsì G., Ferrari G., Poletto M.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
1998Effect of aeration on the discharge behaviour of powders.Powder Handling and Processing, Vol.10, N.3, 269-274Ferrari G., Bell T.A.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
1998A Combined Technology for the production of Dried Vegetables: Osmotic dehydration/Freeze Drying.It. Food and Bev. Tech., XIII, 1-4Donsì G., Ferrari G., Nigro R.LiofilizzazioneLeggi
1998Combination of Mild Dehydration and Freeze-Drying Processes to Obtain High Quality Dried Vegetables and Fruits.Food and Bioproducts Processing. Volume 76, Issue 4, 181-187Donsì G., Ferrari G., Nigro R., Di Matteo P.LiofilizzazioneLeggi
1998High Pressure Stabilization of Lemon Juice.It. Food and Bev. Tech., XIV, 14-16Donsì G., Ferrari G., Di Matteo M., Bruno M.C.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
1998Drying of Particulate Foodstuffs in a Confined Fluidized Bed.Italian Food & Beverage Technology, XI, 20-24Donsì G., Ferrari G., Formisani B.EssiccamentoLeggi
2001Utilization of combined processes in freeze drying of shrimps.Food and Bioproducts Processing, Volume 79, Issue 3. 152-59Donsì G., Ferrari G., Di Matteo P.LiofilizzazioneLeggi
2001Electro-spraying of a highly conductive and viscous liquid.Journal of Electrostratics, Volumes 51–52, 494-501Speranza A., Ghadiri M., Newmann M., Sesti Osséo L., Ferrari G.EssiccamentoLeggi
2002The particle velocity field inside a two-dimensional aerated hopper.Powder Technology, Volume 123, Issues 2–3, 242-253Ferrari G., Poletto M.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
2003Patterns of solids withdraw in the discharge of an aerated hopper: comparison with the particle velocity field.Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol.3, 991-996D’Arco A., Donsì G., Ferrari G., M. PolettoTecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
2003Aggregative behavior of cohesive magnesium carbonate powders in fluidization and aerated discharge.KONA Powder and Particle Journal, n. 21, 54-65Donsì G., Ferrari G., Paletto M., Russo P.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
2003On the modelling of the inactivation kinetics of Saccharomices Cerevisiae by means of combined temperature and high pressure treatments.Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, Volume 4, Issue 1, 35-44Donsì G., Ferrari G., Maresca P.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2003Kinetic studies on combined high pressure and temperature inactivation of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris spores in orange juice.Applied Biotechnology, Food Science and Policy, 1(3), 1-5Ardia A., Knorr D., Ferrari G., Heinz V.Trattamenti combinati - Alte Pressioni Idrostatiche/Pastorizzazione termicaLeggi
2003On the role and the origin of the gas pressure gradient in the discharge rate of fine solids from hoppers.Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 58, Issues 23–24, 5269-5278Barletta D., Donsì G., Ferrari G., Poletto M.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
2003The role of heat and mass transfer phenomena in atmospheric freeze-drying of foods in fluidised beds.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 59, Issues 2–3, 267-275Donsì G., Ferrari G., Di Matteo P.LiofilizzazioneLeggi
2004Gas pressure measurements inside an aerated hopper.Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 82, Issue 1, 72-84Donsì G., Ferrari G., Poletto M., Russo P.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
2004Campi elettrici pulsati per la stabilizzazione microbiologica di alimenti.Industrie Alimentari, XLIII, 20-24Donsì G., Ferrari G., Pataro G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2006Discharge of size segregated powders from a 2d-aerated silo.KONA, vol. 24; p. 104-118, ISSN: 0288-4534D'Arco A., Donsì G., Ferrari G., Montesano M., Poletto M.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
2006Inactivation kinetics of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae by pulsed electric fields in a batch treatment chamber: the effect of electric field uneveness and initial concentration.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 78, Issue 3, 784-792Donsì G., Ferrari G., Pataro G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2007Pulsed high pressure treatment for the inactivation of Saccharomices Cerevisiae: the effect of process parameters.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 78, Issue 3; p. 984-990, ISSN: 0260-8774Donsì G., Ferrari G., Maresca P.Luce Pulsata di Elevata IntensitàLeggi
2007A rotational tester for the characterization of aerated shear flow of powders.Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 24, 259-270, ISSN: 0934-0866Barletta D., Donsì G., Ferrari G., Poletto M.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
2007Solid flow rate prediction in silo discharge of aerated cohesive powders.AIChE Journal, 53, 2240-2253. ISSN: 0001-1541Barletta D., Donsì G., Ferrari G., Poletto M., Russo P.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
2007Pulse duration and efficiency of soft cellular tissue disintegration by pulsed electric fields.Food and Bioprocess Technology Volume 1, 307–313 ISSN: 1935-5130De Vito F., Ferrari G., Lebovka N.I., Shynkaryk N.V., Vorobiev E.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2007Inactivation kinetics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by pulsed electric fields in a batch treatment chamber: the effect of electric field unevenness and initial cell concentration.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 78, Issue 3, 784-792, ISSN: 0260-8774Donsì G., Ferrari G., Pataro G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2008Microbial inactivation kinetics during high pressure carbon dioxide treatment: Nonlinear model for the combined effect of temperature and pressure in apple juice.Journal of Food Science, Volume73, Issue 8, E389-E395, ISSN: 0022-1147Ferrentino G., Ferrari G., Poletto M., Balaban M.O.Trattamento combinato - Alte Pressioni Idrostatiche/Pastorizzazione TermicaLeggi
2008The effect of mechanical vibration on gas fluidization of a fine aeratable powder.Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 86, Issue 4, 359-369, ISSN: 0263-8762Barletta D., Donsì G., Ferrari G., Poletto M., Russo P.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
2009Main factors regulating microbial inactivation by high-pressure homogenization: operating parameters and scale of operation.Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 64, Issue 3, 520-532Donsì F., Ferrari G., Lenza E., Maresca P.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2009Arch-free flow in aerated silo discharge of cohesive powders.Powder Technology Volume 191, Issue 3, 272-270, ISSN: 0032-5910Cannavacciuolo A., Barletta D., Donsì G., Ferrari G., Poletto M.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
2009Effects of dense phase carbon dioxide pasteurization on the physical and quality attributes of a red grapefruit juice.Journal of Food Science, Volume74, Issue 6, 333-341Ferrentino G., Plaza M.L., Ramirez-Rodrigues M., Ferrari G., Balaban M.O.CO2 ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2009Production of shelf-stable Annurca apple juice with pulp by high pressure homogenization.International Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 5, Issue 4, Article 12Donsì F., Esposito L., Lenza E., Senatore B., Ferrari G.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2009The effect of air humidity on the flow properties of a powder of glass beads.International Review of Chemical Engineering, 1(1), 74-80, ISSN: 2035-1755Landi G., Barletta D., Donsì G., Ferrari G., Poletto M.Tecnologia delle PolveriLeggi
2009Microbial inactivation and shelf life of apple juice treated with high pressure carbon dioxide.Journal of Biological Engineering, 3, 3, ISSN: 1754-1611Ferrentino G., Bruno M.C., Ferrari G., Poletto M., Balaban M.O.CO2 ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2010Measurement and prediction of CO2 solubility in sodium phosphate monobasic solutions for food treatment with high pressure carbon dioxide.The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Volume 52, Issue 1, 142-150Ferrentino G., Barletta D., Balaban M.O., Ferrari G., Poletto M.CO2 ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2010Food treatment with high pressure carbon dioxide: Saccharomyces cerevisiae inactivation kinetics expressed as a function of CO2 solubility.The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Volume 52, Issue 1, 151-160Ferrentino G., Balaban M.O., Ferrari G., Poletto M.CO2 ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2010The application of high hydrostatic pressure for the stabilization of functional foods: pomegranate juice.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 100, Issue 2, 245-253Ferrari G., Maresca P., Ciccarone R.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2010Experimental Measurements and Thermodynamic Modeling of CO2 Solubility at High Pressure in Model Apple Juices.Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49 (6), 2992-3000Ferrentino G., Barletta D., Donsì F., Ferrari G., Poletto M.CO2 ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2010Pasteurization of fruit juices by means of a pulsed high pressure process.Journal Food Science, Volume75, Issue3, 169-177Donsì G., Ferrari G., Maresca P.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2010Applications of Pulsed Electric Field Treatments for the Enhancement of Mass Transfer from Vegetable Tissue.Food Engineering Reviews Volume 2, 109-130Donsì F., Ferrari G., Pataro G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2010Pulsed Electric Fields – assisted vinification of Aglianico and Piedirosso grapes.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58 (22), 11606-11615Donsì F., Ferrari G., Fruilo M., Pataro G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2010Pulsed electric fields assisted microbial inactivation of S. cerevisiae cells by high pressure carbon dioxide.The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Volume 54, Issue 1, 120–128Pataro G., Ferrentino G., Ricciardi C., Ferrari G.Tecniche combinate - Campi Elettrici Pulsati/CO2 ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2010Development of Novel Pea Protein-Based Nanoemulsions for Delivery of Nutraceuticals.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58 (19), 10653-10660Donsì F., Senatore B., Huang Q., Ferrari G.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2011Application of a multi-pass high-pressure homogenization treatment for the pasteurization of fruit juices.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 104, Issue 3, 364-372Maresca P., Donsì F., Ferrari G.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2011Aseptic processing of apricots in syrup by means of a continuous pilot scale ohmic unit.LWT-Food Science and Technology, Volume 44, Issue 6, 1546-1554Pataro G., Donsì G., Ferrari G.Riscaldamento OhmicoLeggi
2011Effect of electric and flow parameters on PEF treatment efficiency.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 105, Issue 1, 79–88Pataro G., Senatore B., Donsì G., Ferrari G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2011Nanoencapsulation of Essential Oils to Enhance Their Antimicrobial Activity in Foods.LWT-Food Science and Technology, Volume 44, Issue 9, 1908-1914Donsì F., Annunziata M., Sessa M., Ferrari G.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2011Free amino acid profile of Malus domestica Borkh cv. Annurca from the Campania Region and other Italian vegetables.Australian Journal of Crop Science, 5 (2), 154-161. ISSN:1835-2707Di Maro A., Dosi R., Ferrara L., Rocco M., Sepe J., Ferrari G., Parente A.MiscellaneaLeggi
2011Encapsulation of bioactive compounds in nanoemulsion- based delivery systems.Procedia Food Science, Volume 1, 1666-1671Donsì F., Sessa M., Ferrari G., Mgaidi A., Mediouni H.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2011Pulsed Electric Fields – assisted vinification.Procedia Food Science, Volume 1, 780-785Donsì F., Ferrari G., Fruilo M., Pataro G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2011Rheological Properties of High Pressure Milk Cream.Procedia Food Science, Volume 1, 862-868Donsì G., Ferrari G., Maresca P.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2011The Effects of High Hydrostatic Pressure on the Polyphenols and Anthocyanins in Red Fruit Products.Procedia Food Science, 1, 847-853Ferrari G., Maresca P., Ciccarone R.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2011Bacterial inactivation in fruit juices using a continuous flow Pulsed Light (PL) system.Food Research International, Volume 44, Issue 6, 1642–1648Pataro G., Muñoz A., Palgan I., Noci F., Ferrari G., Lyng J.G.Luce Pulsata di Elevata IntensitàLeggi
2011Evaluation of the Stability and Antioxidant Activity of Nanoencapsulated Resveratrol during in Vitro Digestion.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59 (23), 12352-12360Sessa M., Tsao R., Liu R., Ferrari G., Donsì F.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2012Nutritional composition of Zizyphus lotus L. seeds.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Volume 92, Issue 6, 1171–1177Chouaibi M., Mahfoudhi N., Donsì F., Ferrari G., Hamdi S.MiscellaneaLeggi
2012Effect of Emulsifier Type and Disruption Chamber Geometry on the Fabrication of Food Nanoemulsions by High Pressure Homogenization.I&EC research, 51, 7606-7618Donsì F., Sessa M., Ferrari G.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2012Effects on Escherichia coli inactivation and quality attributes in apple juice treated by combinations of pulsed light and thermosonication.Food Research International, Volume 45, Issue 1, 299–305Muñoz A., Caminiti I.M., Palgan I., Pataro G., Noci F., Morgan D.J., Cronin D.A., Whyte P., Ferrari G., Lyng J.G.Tecniche combinate - Luce Pulsata di Elevata Intensità/UltrasuoniLeggi
2012Occurrence of pipecolic acid and pipecolic acid betaine (homostachydrine) in Citrus genus plants.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60, 315-321Servillo L., Giovane A., Balestrieri M.L., Ferrari G., Cautela D., Castaldo D.MiscellaneaLeggi
2012Design of nanoemulsion-based delivery systems of natural antimicrobials: Effect of the emulsifier.Journal of Biotechnology, Volume 159, Issue 4, 342–350Donsì F., Annunziata M., Vincensi M., Ferrari G.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2012Chemical composition and functional properties of gum exudates from the trunk of the almond tree (Prunus dulcis).Food Science and Technology International, 18(3), 241-50Mahfoudhi N., Chouaibi M., Donsì F., Ferrari G., Hamdi S.MiscellaneaLeggi
2012A Comparative Study on Physicochemical, Rheological and Surface Tension Properties of Tunisian Jujube (Zizyphus lotus L.) Seed and Vegetable Oils.International Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 8, Issue 2, Article 11Chouaibi M., Mahfoudhi N., Rezig L., Donsì F., Ferrari G., Hamdi S.MiscellaneaLeggi
2013Bioavailability of encapsulated resveratrol into nanoemulsion-based delivery systems.Food Chemistry, Volume 147, 42-50Sessa M., Balestrieri M.L., Ferrari G., Servillo L., Castaldo D., D'Onofrio N., Donsì F., Tsao R.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2013Optimal kinetic parameters and batch modeling for pectin hydrolysis to galacturonic acid with Pectinex Ultra SP-L enzyme.Chemical Engineering Communications, Volume 200, Issue 10, 1334-1346Ghorbanpour K.A.A., Miccio M., Ferrari G.MiscellaneaLeggi
2013Exploitation of Polyphenolic Extracts from Grape Marc as Natural Antioxidants by Encapsulation in Lipid-Based Nanodelivery Systems.Food and Bioprocess Technology, Volume 6, (10), 2609-2620Sessa M., Casazza A.A., Perego P., Tsao R., Ferrari G., Donsì F.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2013Physicochemical Characteristics and Antioxidant Activities of Zizyphus lotus L. Seed Oil.Journal of Food Biochemistry, 37 (5), 554-563Chouaibi M., Rezig L., Mahfoudhi N., Arafa S., Donsì F., Ferrari G., Hamdi S.MiscellaneaLeggi
2013Microbial inactivation by high pressure homogenization: effect of the disruption valve geometry.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 115, Issue 3, 362-370Donsì F., Annunziata M., Ferrari G.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2013Nanoencapsulation systems to improve solubility and antioxidant efficiency of a grape marc extract into hazelnut paste.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 114, Issue 2, 207-214Spigno G., Donsì F., Amendola D., Sessa M., Ferrari G., De Faveri D.M.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2013The effects of ohmic and conventional blanching on the nutritional, bioactive compounds and quality parameters of artichoke heads.LWT - Food Science and Technology, Volume 53, Issue 2, 569-579Guida V., Ferrari G., Pataro G., Chambery A., Di Maro A. Parente A.Riscaldamento OhmicoLeggi
2014Microbial inactivation of E. coli cells by a combined PEF-HPCD treatment in a continuous flow system.Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, Volume 22, 102-109Pataro G., De Lisi M., Donsì G., Ferrari G.Trattamenti combinati - Campi Elettrici Pulsati/CO2 ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2014Metal release from stainless steel electrodes of a PEF treatment chamber: Effects of electrical parameters and food composition.Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, Volume 22, 58-65Pataro G., Falcone M., Donsì G., Ferrari G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2014Physicochemical and bioactive properties of six honey samples from various floral origins from Tunisia.Arabian Journal of Chemistry Volume 11, Issue 2, 265-274Boussaid A., Chouaibi M., Rezig L., Hellal R., Donsì F., Ferrari G., Hamdi S.MiscellaneaLeggi
2014N-Methylated Derivatives of Tyramine in Citrus Genus Plants: Identification of N, N , N -Trimethyltyramine (Candicine).Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62, 2679-2684Servillo L., Giovane A., D’Onofrio N., Casale R., Cautela D., Ferrari G., Balestrieri M.L., Castaldo D.MiscellaneaLeggi
2014Quantification of metal release from stainless steel electrodes during conventional and pulsed ohmic heating.Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, Volume 21, 66-73Pataro G., Barca G.M.J., Pereira R.N., Vicente A.A., Teixeira J.A., Ferrari G.Riscaldamento OhmicoLeggi
2014Antimicrobial effects of different combined non-thermal treatments against Listeria monocytogenes in broccoli florets.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 124, 1-10Severino R., Vu K.D., Donsì F., Salmieri S., Ferrari G., Lacroix M.Trattamenti combinati - Omogeneizzazione ad Alta Pressione/UV-C irradiazioneLeggi
2014Assessment of emulsifying ability of almond gum in comparison with gum arabic using response surface methodology.Food Hydrocolloids, Volume 37, 49-59Mahfoudhi N., Sessa M., Chouaibi M., Ferrari G., Donsì F., Hamdi S.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2014Infusion of essential oils for food stabilization: Unraveling the role of nanoemulsion-based delivery systems on mass transfer and antimicrobial activity.Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, Volume 22,, 212-220Donsì F., Cuomo A., Marchese E., Ferrari G.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2014Bioavailability of encapsulated resveratrol into nanoemulsion-based delivery systems.Food Chemistry, Volume 147, 42-50Sessa M., Balestrieri M.L., Ferrari G., Servillo L., Castaldo D., D’Onofrio N., Donsì F., Tsao R.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2014Antibacterial and physical effects of modified chitosan based-coating containing nanoemulsion of mandarin essential oil and three non-thermal treatments against Listeria innocua in green beans.International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 191, 82-88Severino R., Vu K.D., Donsì F., Salmieri S., Ferrari G., Lacroix M.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2015Antimicrobial effects of modified chitosan based coating containing nanoemulsion of essential oils, modified atmosphere packaging and gamma irradiation against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium on green beans.Food Control, Volume 50, 215-222Severino R., Ferrari G., Vu K.D., Donsì F., Salmieri S., Lacroix M.Trattamenti combinati - Omogeneizzazione ad Alta Pressione/γ irradiazioneLeggi
2015Rheological characterization and modelling of high pressure processed Bovine Serum Albumin.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 153, 39-44De Maria S., Ferrari G., Maresca P.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2015Rheological characterization of Bovine Serum Albumin gels induced by high hydrostatic pressure.Food and Nutrition Science, Vol. 6, No.9, 770-779De Maria S., Ferrari G., Maresca P.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2015On the modeling of electrochemical phenomena at the electrode-solution interface in a PEF treatment chamber: Methodological approach to describe the phenomenon of metal release.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 165, 34-44Pataro G., Barca G.M.J., Donsì G., Ferrari G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2015On the modeling of electrochemical phenomena at the electrode-solution interface in a PEF treatment chamber: Effect of electrical parameters and chemical composition of model liquid food.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 165, 45-51Pataro G., Barca G.M.J., Donsì G., Ferrari G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2015Pulsed electric field-assisted juice extraction of frozen/thawed blueberries.Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, Vol. 102, No. 1, 59-66. ISSN 1392-3196 / e-ISSN 2335-8947Lamanauskas N., Bobinaitė R., Šatkauskas S., Viškelis P., Pataro G., Ferrari G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2015Application of pulsed electric field in the production of juice and extraction of bioactive compounds from blueberry fruits and their by-products.Journal of Food Science and Technology volume 52, (9), 5898-5905. ISSN 0022-1155Bobinaitė R., Pataro G., Lamanauskas N., Šatkauskas S., Viškelis P., Ferrari G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2015Physicochemical, Rheological, and Thermal Properties of Six Types of Honey from Various Floral Origins in Tunisia.International Journal of Food Properties, Volume 18, Issue 12, 2624-2637Boussaid A., Chouaibi M., Rezig L., Missaoui R., Donsì F., Ferrari G., Hamdi S.MiscellaneaLeggi
2015Green beans preservation by combination of a modified chitosan based-coating containing nanoemulsion of mandarin essential oil with high pressure or pulsed light processing.Postharvest Biology and Technology, Volume 106, 21–32Donsì F., Marchese E., Maresca P., Pataro G., Vu K.D., Salmieri S., Lacroix M., Ferrari G.Trattamenti combinati - Luce Pulsata di Elevata Intensità/Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2015Novel edible coating containing essential oil nanoemulsions to prolong the shelf life of vegetable products.Chemical Engineering Transactions 43: 55-60. ISBN 978-88-95608-34-1; ISSN 2283-9216Donsì F., Sessa M., Ferrari G.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2015Submicron complex lipid carriers for curcumin delivery to intestinal epithelial cells: Effect of different emulsifiers on bio accessibility and cell uptake.International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 494, Issue 1, 357–369Yucel C., Quagliariello V., Iaffaioli R.V., Ferrari G., Donsì F.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2015Combined Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure and Pulsed Light on Protein Hydrolysis.Chemical Engineering Transaction, 43, 91-96. ISBN 978-88-95608-34-1; ISSN 2283-9216De Maria S., Maresca P., Ferrari G., Pataro G.Trattamenti combinati - Luce Pulsata di Elevata Intensità/Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2015Post-harvest UV-C and PL Irradiation of Fruits and Vegetables.Chemical Engineering Transaction, 44, 31-36. ISBN 978-88-95608-35-8,;ISSN 2283-9216.Pataro G., Donsì G., Ferrari G.Trattamenti combinati - Luce Pulsata di Elevata Intensità/UV-C irradiazioniLeggi
2015Serotonin 5Oβ-Glucoside and Its NMethylated Forms in Citrus Genus Plant.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63, 4220-4227Servillo L., Giovane A., Casale R., D’Onofrio N., Ferrari G., Cautela D., Balestrieri M.L., Castaldo D.MiscellaneaLeggi
2015Ultrasound-assisted green solvent extraction of high-added value compounds from microalgae Nannochloropsis spp.Bioresource Technology, Volume 198, 262–267Parniakov O., Apicella E., Koubaa M., Barba F.J., Grimi N., Lebovka N., Pataro G., Ferrari G., Vorobiev E.UltrasuoniLeggi
2015Selective extraction of intracellular components from the microalga Chlorella vulgaris by combined pulsed electric field–temperature treatment.Bioresource Technology, Volume 203, 80–88Postma P.R., Pataro G., Capitoli M., Barbosa M.J., Wijffels R.H., Eppink M.H.M., Olivieri G., Ferrari G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2015The influence of post-harvest UV-C and pulsed light treatments on quality and antioxidant properties of tomato fruits during storage.Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, Volume 30, 103-111Pataro G., Sinik M., Capitoli M., Donsì G., Ferrari G.Trattamenti combinati - Luce Pulsata di Elevata Intensità//UV-C irradiazioniLeggi
2016Effects of high hydrostatic pressure on the conformational structure and the functional properties of bovine serum albumin.Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 33: 67-75De Maria S., Ferrari G., Maresca P.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2016Understanding the effect of formulation on functionality of modified chitosan films containing carvacrol nanoemulsions.Food Hydrocolloids Volume 61, 756-771Tastan Ö., Ferrari G., Baysal T., Donsì F.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2016Effect of pulsed electric fields – assisted extraction on anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activity of brown rice bioactive compounds.Food Research International, Volume 87, 115-124Quagliariello V., Iaffaioli R.V., Falcone M., Ferrari G., Pataro G., Donsì F.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2016Essential oil nanoemulsions as antimicrobial agents in food.Journal of Biotechnology, Volume 233, 106-120Donsì F., Ferrari G.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2016Effect of pulsed electric fields – assisted extraction on anti-infiammatory and cytotoxic activity of brown rice bioactive compounds.Food Research International, Volume 87, 115-124Quagliariello V., Iaffoli V.R., Falcone M., Ferrari G., Pataro G., Donsì F.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2016Recommendations guidelines on the key information to be reported in studies of application of PEF technology in food and biotechnological processes.Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, Volume 37, Part C, 312–321.Raso J., Frey W., Ferrari G., Pataro G., Knorr D., Teissie J., Miklavčič D.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2016Effect of pulsed light treatment on structural and functional properties of whey protein isolate.Food Research International, Volume 87, 189–196Siddique Md A. B., Maresca P., Pataro G., Ferrari G.Luce Pulsata di Elevata IntensitàLeggi
2016High hydrostatic pressure assisted enzymatic hydrolysis of whey protein.Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, Volume 38, Part B, 294-301Ambrosi V., Polenta G., González C., Ferrari G., Maresca P.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2016Rheological and interfacial properties at the equilibrium of almond gum tree exudate (Prunus dulcis) in comparison with gum Arabic.Food Science and Technology International 22 (4), 277-287Mahfoudhi N., Sessa M., Ferrari G., Hamdi S., Donsì F.MiscellaneaLeggi
2017Modelling of the Microbial inactivation by high pressure freezingFood Control, Volume 73, Part A, 8-17Maresca P., Ferrari G.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2017Improving the Extraction of Juice and Anthocyanins from Blueberry Fruits and Their By-products by Application of Pulsed Electric Fields.Food and Bioprocess Technology volume 10, pages1595–1605Pataro G., Bobinaitė R., Bobinas Č., Šatkauskas S., Raudonis R., Visockis M., Ferrari G., Viškelis P.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2017Effect of dynamic high pressure on functional and structural properties of bovine serum albumin.Food Research International, Volume 99, Part 1, 748–754Maresca P., Ferrari G., de Castro Leite Júniorc R.B., Zanphorlin M.L., Rossi Ribeiro L., Murakami M.T., Cristianini M.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2017Effect of PEF Treatment on Extraction of Valuable Compounds from Microalgae C. vulgaris.Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 57, 67-72. ISBN 978-88-95608- 48-8; ISSN 2283-9216Pataro, G., Goettel, M., Straessner, R.,Gusbeth, C., Ferrari, G., Frey, W.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2017Improving the Extraction Yield of Juice and Bioactive Compounds from Sweet Cherries and their by-products by Pulsed Electric Fields.Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 57, 1717-1722Pataro G., Carullo D., Bobinaite R., Donsi G., Ferrari G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2017Influence of pulsed light treatment on the aggregation of whey protein isolate.Food Research International, Volume 99, Part 1, 419-425Siddique Md A. B., Maresca P., Pataro G., Ferrari G.Luce Pulsata di Elevata IntensitàLeggi
2017Influence of emulsifier type on the antifungal activity of cinnamon leaf, lemon and bergamot oil nanoemulsions against Aspergillus niger.Food Control, Volume 73, Part B, 784-795Ribes S., Fuentes A., Talens P., Barat J.M., Ferrari G., Donsì F.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2017Use of Agri-Food Residues for Oil Structuring and Functionalization.Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 57: 1831-1836Ferrari G., Mustafa W., Donsì F.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2017Decontamination of fresh-cut cucumber slices by a combination of a modified chitosan coating containing carvacrol nanoemulsions and pulsed light.International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 260, 75-80Taştan Ö., Pataro G., Donsì F., Ferrari G., Baysal T.Luce Pulsata di Elevata IntensitàLeggi
2017Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the enzymatic hydrolysis of bovine serum albumin.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Volume97, Issue10De Maria S., Ferrari G., Maresca P.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2017Modelling of the kinetics of Bovine Serum Albumin enzymatic hydrolysis assisted by high hydrostatic pressure.Food and Bioproducts Processing, Volume 105, 1-11Maresca P., Ferrari G.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2017The betaine profile of cereal flours unveils new and uncommon betaines.Food Chemistry, Volume 239, 234–241Servillo L., D’Onofrio N., Giovane A., Casale A., Cautela D., Ferrari G., Castaldo D., Balestrieri M.L.MiscellaneaLeggi
2017Zein-based colloidal particles for encapsulation and delivery of epigallocatechin gallate.Food Hydrocolloids, Volume 63, 508-517Donsì F., Voudouris P., Veen S. J., Velikov K. P.MiscellaneaLeggi
2017Influence of pulsed light treatment on the aggregation of whey protein isolate.Food Research International, Volume 99, Part 1, 419-425Siddique Md A. B., Maresca P., Pataro G., Ferrari G.Luce Pulsata di Elevata IntensitàLeggi
2017Innovative technologies for encapsulation of Mediterranean plants extracts.Trends in Food Science & Technology, Volume 69, Part A, 1-125Vincekovic M., Viskic M., Juric S., Giacometti J., Bursac Kovacevic D., Putnik P., Donsì F., Barba F.J., Rezek Jambrak A.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2017Improving the Extraction of Juice and Anthocyanins from Blueberry Fruits and Their By-products by Application of Pulsed Electric Fields.Food Bioprocess Technology, 10, 1595–1605Pataro G., Bobinaitė R., Bobinas Č, Šatkauskas S., Raudonis R., Visockis M., Ferrari G., Viškelis P.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2017Modelling of the microbial inactivation by high hydrostatic pressure freezing.Food Control, Volume 73, Part A, 8-17Maresca P., Ferrari G.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2018Effect of pulsed electric fields and high pressure homogenization on the aqueous extraction of intracellular compounds from the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris.Algal Research, Volume 31, 60–69Carullo D., Demelash Abera B., Casazza B. B., Donsì F., Perego P., Ferrari G., Pataro G.Trattamenti combinati - Campi Elettrici Pulsati/Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2018Implementation of PEF Treatment at Real-Scale Tomatoes Processing Considering LCA Methodology as an Innovation Strategy in the Agri-Food Sector.Sustainability, 10 (4), 979Arnal Á.J., Royo P., Pataro G., Ferrari G., Ferreira V.J., López-Sabirón A.M., Ferreira G.A.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2018Novel approaches to oil structuring via the addition of high-pressure homogenized agri-food residues and water forming capillary bridges.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 236, 9-18Mustafa W., Pataro G., Ferrari G., Donsì F.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2018Improved extractability of carotenoids from tomato peels as side benefits of PEF treatment of tomato fruit for more energy-efficient steam-assisted peeling.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 233, 65-73Pataro G., Carullo D., Siddique Md A. B., Falcone M., Donsì F., Ferrari G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2018Understanding the break-up phenomena in an orifice-valve high pressure homogenizer using spherical bacterial cells (Lactococcus lactis) as a model disruption indicator.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 236, 60–71Coccaro N., Ferrari G., Donsì F.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2018Classification of southern tunisian honeys based on their physicochemical and textural properties.International Journal of Food Properties, Volume 21, Issue 1, 2590-2609Boussaid A., Chouaibi M., Attouchi S., Hamdi S., Ferrari G.MiscellaneaLeggi
2018Improving diced tomato firmness by pulsed vacuum calcification.LWT, Volume 92, 451-457Servillo L., Balestrieri M.L., Giovane A., De Sio F., Cannavacciuolo M., Squitieri S., Ferrari G., Cautela D., Castaldo D.MiscellaneaLeggi
2018The betaine profile of cereal flours unveils and uncommon betaines.Food Chemistry, Volume 239, 234-241Servillo L., D’Onofrio N., Giovane A., Casale R., Cautela D., Ferrari G., Castaldo D., Balestrieri M.L.MiscellaneaLeggi
2018Evaluating the behaviour of curcumin nanoemulsions and multilayer nanoemulsions during dynamic in vitro digestion.Journal of Functional Foods, Volume 48, 605-613Silva H.D., Poejo J., Pinheiro A.C., Donsì F., Serra A.T., Duarte C.M.M., Ferrari G., Cerqueira M.A., Vicente A.A.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2018Physicochemical and bioactive properties of six honey samples from various floral origins from Tunisia.Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 11, Issue 2, 265-274Boussaid A., Moncef C., Leila R., Raoudha H., Donsì F., Ferrari G., Salem H.MiscellaneaLeggi
2018Three Pillars of Novel Nonthermal Food Technologies: Food Safety, Quality, and Environment.Journal of Food Quality, Article ID 8619707Režek Jambrak A., Vukusic T., Donsi F., Paniwnyk L., Djekic I.MiscellaneaLeggi
2019PEF-assisted Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Pigments from Microalgae Nannochloropsis oceanica in a Continuous Flow System.Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 74, 97-102. ISBN 978-88-95605-71-6 ISNN 2283-9216Pataro G., Carullo D., Ferrari G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2019Optimization of the Extraction Process by Response Surface Methodology of Protein Isolate from Defatted Jujube (Zizyphus lotus L.) Seeds.International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics 25, 1509-1521Chouaibi M., Boussaid A., Donsì F., Ferrari G., Hamdi S.MiscellaneaLeggi
2019High-pressure homogenization treatment to recover bioactive compounds from tomato peels.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 262, 170-180Jurić S., Ferrari G., Velikov K. P., Donsì F.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2019Effect of Nanoemulsion Formulation on Permeation of Essential Oils Through Biological Membranes.Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 75, 247-252. ISBN 978-88-95608-72-3 ISSN 2283-9216Donsì F., Ferrari G.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2019Exploring potential new galactomannan source of Retama reatam seeds for food, cosmetic and pharmaceuticals: Characterization and physical, emulsifying and antidiabetic properties.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 124, 1167-1176Chouaibi M., Rezig L., Lakoud A., Boussaid A., Hassouna M., Ferrari G., Hamdi S.MiscellaneaLeggi
2019Chemical characteristics and compositions of red pepper seed oils extracted by different methods.Industrial Crops and Products, volume 128,(2019) 363-370Chouaibi M., Rezig L., Hamdi S., Ferrari G.Microonde / CO2 ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2019Optimization of Pulsed Electric Fields-Assisted Extraction of Polyphenols from Potato Peels Using Response Surface Methodology.Food and Bioprocess Technology, 12, 1708-1720Frontuto D., Carullo D, Harrison S.M., Brunton N.P., Ferrari, G., Lyng J.G., Pataro G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2019Effect of PEF pre-treatment and extraction temperature on the recovery of carotenoids from tomato wastes.Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 75, 139-144. ISBN 978-95608-72-3 ISSN 2283-9216Pataro G., Carullo D., Ferrari, G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2019Potato Starch Hydrogels Produced by High Hydrostatic Pressure (HHP): A First Approach.Polymers (Basel), 11, 1673Larrea-Wachtendorff D., Tabilo-Munizaga G., Giovanna Ferrari G.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2019Impact of Novel Nonthermal Processing on Food Quality: Sustainability, Modelling, and Negative Aspects.Journal of Food Quality, Volume 2019, Article ID 2171375, Article ID 2171375Režek Jambrak A., Donsì F., Paniwnyk L., Djekic I.MiscellaneaLeggi
2019Food-Grade Colloidal Systems for the Delivery of Essential Oils.Food Reviews International, 1-45Fathi M., Vinceković M., Jurić S., Viskić M., Režek Jambrak A., Donsì F.MiscellaneaLeggi
2020Effects of processing conditions and glycerol concentration on rheological and texture properties of starch-based hydrogels produced by high pressure processing (HPP).International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 159, 590-597Larrea-Wachtendorff D., Di Nobile G., Ferrari G.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2020Edible Coating and Pulsed Light to Increase the Shelf Life of Food Products.Food Engineering Reviews (AoP)Pirozzi A., Pataro G., Donsì F., Ferrari G.Luce Pulsata di Elevata IntensitàLeggi
2020Pulsed Electric Fields-Assisted Extraction of Valuable Compounds from Arthrospira Platensis: Effect of pulse polarity and mild heating.Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Volume 8, Article 551272Carullo D., Pataro G., Donsì F., Ferrari G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2020Limitations of pulsed electric field utilization in food industry.Pulsed Electric Fields to Obtain Healtheir and Sustainable Food for Tomorrow, 283-310Pataro G., Ferrari G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2020Effects of postharvest pulsed light treatments on the quality and antioxidant properties of persimmons during storage.Postharvest Biology and Technology, Volume 160, 11055Denoya G.I., Pataro G., Ferrari G.Luce Pulsata di Elevata IntensitàLeggi
2020An efficient optimization methodology of respiration rate parameters coupled with transport properties in mass balances to describe modified atmosphere packaging systems.Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Volume 28, Issue 10, 1361-1383. ISSN:1741-5977Badillo G., Cumsille P., Segura-Ponce L., Pataro G., Ferrari G.Confezionamento in atmosfere protettiveLeggi
2020High Voltage Electrical Discharges as an Alternative Extraction Process of Phenolic and Volatile Compounds from Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum L.): In Silico and Experimental Approaches for Solubility Assessment.Molecules, Volume 25, Issue 18, 4131Nutrizio M., Pataro G., Carullo D., Carpentieri S., Mazza L., Ferrari G., Chemat F., Banovíc M., Režek Jambrak A.Scariche Elettriche ad Elevata TensioneLeggi
2020Recovery of lycopene from industrially derived tomato processing byproducts by pulsed electric fields-assisted extraction.Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, Volume 63, 102369Pataro G., Carullo D., Falcone M., Ferrari G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2020Development and Characterization of Lipid-Based Nanosystems: Effect of Interfacial Composition on Nanoemulsion Behavior.Food and Bioprocess Technology 13, 67-87Silva H.D., Cerqueira M.A., Donsì F., Pinheiro A.C., Ferrari G., Vicente A.A.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2020Influence of Interfacial Structure on Physical Stability and Antioxidant Activity of Curcumin Multilayer Emulsions.Food and Bioproducts Processing, Volume 121, 65-757Leiva-Vega J., Villalobos-Carvajal R., Ferrari G., Donsì F., Zuniga R., Shene C., Beldarrain-Iznaga T.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2020Influence of high-pressure homogenization on structural properties and enzymatic hydrolysis of milk proteins.LWT, Volume 130, 109657Carullo D., Donsì F., Ferrari G.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2020Bergamot essential oil nanoemulsions: antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity.Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 279-290Marchese E., D’onofrio N., Balestrieri M.L., Castaldo D., Ferrari G., Donsì F.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2020High-pressure homogenization-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from Ruta chalepensis.Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 14, 2800–2809Gali, L., Bedjou, F., Velikov, K. P., Ferrari, G., Donsì, F.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2020Mechanical cell disruption of mustard bran suspensions for improved dispersion properties and protein release.Food & Function, Issue 7, 6273 – 6284Donsì F., Velikov K. P.Omogeneizzazione ad Alta PressioneLeggi
2020Changing the Vision in Smart Food Design Utilizing the Next Generation of Nanometric Delivery Systems for Bioactive Compounds.Foods, Volume 9, Issue 8, 1100Donsì F., Ferrari G.MiscellaneaLeggi
2021Changes of structural and techno-functional properties of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treated whey protein isolate over refrigerated storage. Food science and Technology.LWT, Volume 137, Article 110436Carullo D., Barbosa-Cánovas G.V., Ferrari G.Alte Pressioni IdrostaticheLeggi
2021Influence of drying processes on bioactive compounds profiles, hydroxymethylfurfural, color parameters, and antioxidant activities of Tunisian eggplant (Solanum melongena L.).Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, Volume 45, Issue 6, Article 15460Chouaibi M., Snoussi A., Attouchi S., Ferrari G.EssiccamentoLeggi
2021Pulsed electric fields (PEF) treatment to enhance starch 3D printing application: Effect on structure, properties, and functionality of wheat and cassava starches.Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, Volume 68, 102602Chieregato Maniglia B., Pataro G., Ferrari G., Esteves P., Augusto D., Le-Bail P., Le-Bail A.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2021Extraction improvement of water-soluble compounds from Arthrospira platensis through the combination of high-shear homogenization and pulsed electric fields.Algal Research, Volume 57, 102341Carullo D., Donsì F., Ferrari G., Pataro G.Campi Elettrici PulsatiLeggi
2021Ohmic heating for polyphenol extraction from grape berries: an innovative prefermentary process.OENO One, Volume 55, No. 3, 39-51Junqua R., Carullo D., Ferrari G., Pataro G., Ghidossi R.Riscaldamento OhmicoLeggi