PRIMA Call: Section 1 – Agro-Food Value Chain 2020
IA – Topic 1.3.1: Valorising the health benefits of the Traditional Mediterranean food products.
CUP: B45F20003170005
Funds in Italy are provided by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR)
ValICET project
The Mediterranean Basin is distinguished by its ecological and agro-ecological diversity and, over time, the agri-food industry has been able to transform the great variety of raw materials in an extraordinary range of food products. Agri-food processing, however, is associated with the production of large quantities of waste or processing by-products that limit its economic, environmental and social sustainability.
In this context, the project “Valorise foods and Improve Competitiveness through Emerging Technologies applied to food by-products within the circular economy framework – ValICET“, lasting 36 months, aims to promote the development of innovative transformation technologies and the dissemination of ICT solutions and business models in order to improve the sustainability and competitiveness of the agri-food supply chains in the Mediterranean and at the same time to meet the demands of consumers looking for healthier food, preferably made locally.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- The development of innovative “green” extraction processes, identified among a combination of unconventional technologies, for the sustainable recovery of high-added value bio-compounds from agri-food by-products of the Mediterranean area.
- The use of bio-compounds in the formulation of typical products of the Mediterranean area in order to develop products with healthy and functional properties and with prolonged shelf life.
- The implementation of new business models and the use of ICT solutions in order to increase the competitiveness of the different actors in the food chain.
The ValICET project will involve ProdAl in all the nine Work Packages (WP) in which it is articulated. In particular, innovative extraction technologies will be used within WP2; in WP5 (where ProdAl is the coordinator) an environmental impact assessment of new processes and products will be carried out.
Dissemination activities carried out directly by ProdAl
Publications in scientific journals
- Rrucaj E., Carpentieri S., Siano F., Ferrari G., Pataro G.
Optimizing the solvent extraction process for high-value compounds from sweet cherryFront. Food. Sci. Technol., 09 November 2023, Sec. Food Process Design and Engineering, Volume 3 – 2023
Participation to events and fairs by ProdAl
May 30 – June 3 ,2022, University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC), Compiègne, France
Speaker: Ervehe Rrucaj
Presentazion title: Extraction of bio-compound from agri-food by-products by emerging technologies
June 21-24, 2023 Chania, Crete, Greece
Speaker: Ervehe Rrucaj
Presentation title: Optimization of Pulsed Electric Fields-Assisted Extraction of phenolic compounds from sweet cherry press cake using
Response Surface Methodology
The ValICET project involves all the actors of the supply chain (farmers, SMEs, retailers), universities, and research organisations and aims to facilitate cooperation between the different stakeholders in support of the value chain innovative design that will improve the competitiveness of actors involved in global markets.
The project partners are:
- University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) – Spain, coordinator
- ProdAl Scarl – Italy
- National Institute for Agricultural and Veterinary Research (INIAV) – Portugal
- Institut National de Recherche et d’Analyse Physicochimique (INRAP) – Tunisia
- Université de Bordeaux (ISVV) – France
- CTI FoodTech S.r.l. – Italy
- Graineset Saveurs – Tunisia
As subcontractor the following other parties are involved:
- Sistema 4 – Portugal
- Taste Lab S.L. – Spain
- Fratelli Santorelli S.a.s. – Italy